大家好!尽管迫害仍在继续,但我们可以看到中国正在发生巨大的变化。 24年对法轮功的迫害,让中共政权濒临崩溃!
退!党!运动始于2004年出版的《·九·评*共产党》。这是一场精神和良心觉醒运动。 4.16亿各行各业的人民渴望自由和正义的生活。
2020年6月,退!党!中心发起了“打倒中共恶魔”ENDCCP请愿活动,以提高人们对中共全球威胁的认识。换句话说,该倡议旨在揭露中共对世界各地人权和自由的伤害。到目前为止,已有超过 360 万人签署。这表明我们并不孤单。这表明世界各地的人们都知道人类的共同敌人是中共。
全球.退:党!服务中心 易蓉
Greetings Everyone:
Even though the persecution of Falun Gong continues, we can see great changes happening in China. 24 years of persecuting Falun Gong has brought the Chinese Communist Party to the brink of collapse!
Today I bring great news to my friends here. The Tuidang Movement has reached a milestone yet again — 415 million brave Chinese have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations by officially registering at dttqpdk98gdma1.cloudfrontnetn.store.
We thank the courageous volunteer in Mainland China for spreading the truth and risking their lives. We thank the global volunteers, including many volunteers present today, for tirelessly calling into China and using other means to persuade Chinese people to quit the CCP. The fruits of their efforts are the 415 million hearts and souls registered on the dttqpdk98gdma1.cloudfrontnetn.store website. These 415 million men and women are the hope for a new China.
The Tuidang movement started with a 2004 publication known as the “Nine Commentaries of the Communist Party”. It is a movement of spiritual and conscientious awakening. It is a historical movement that shows 415 million Chinese people, from all walks of life, desire a life of freedom and justice.
The Tuidang movement is the most peaceful and effective way of correcting the fundamental problems facing China today. The Tuidang movement is the most peaceful and effective way to disintegrate the CCP – an evil force that destroys humanity. The Tuidang movement provides for forgiveness and compassion. We believe the Tuidang movement is a blessing from the Holy Creator to the Chinese people and therefore to the whole world.
In June 2020 the Tuidang Center initiated an End-The-CCP petition drive to raise awareness of the CCP’s global threat. In other words, the initiative is meant to shed light on the CCP’s damage to human rights and freedoms around the world. So far, more than 3.6 million people have signed on. This shows that we are not alone. It shows that people everywhere can identify humanity’s common enemy in the CCP.
I would like to call upon the entire international community to support the Tuidang movement, support the Chinese people’s desire for freedom. Let’s together end the CCP’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong, its persecution of the Chinese people and its persecution of all people everywhere.
It is time to end the evil CCP.
Thank you very much!